NYFW Front Five | E!

New York Fashion Week is notoriously hectic. In this series for E!, Front Five breaks down five of the most influential or up and coming people in fashion and brings them to the forefront. These pieces were shot, edited, and published within a day turn around for each, adding to the chaos that is fashion week, but creating a glimpse into what a great time that can be.


This was my favorite piece of the 2019 New York Fashion Week series we did for E! Lily was a great subject, and it was fun to show some of her nerdier side in this piece. Directed by Shea Johnson, I ingested the footage while they were still shooting, edited, color corrected, mixed and created social cuts for the final piece, all within a few hours of receiving the final card of footage.


This piece had an added stress besides the constant time restraint throughout this project. Someone shooting accidentally left the HUD of the camera on and burnt it into the final footage. To be able to use the footage, I needed to rotoscope out the HUD and make it look believable, all while still meeting our fast deadline.


For all of these pieces, editors worked in shifts. I usually ran the day team along with Austin Johnson. Day team was in charge or the final changes needed for any project since our deadlines were usually around noon.


It was a challenge to find the story with some subjects, which made the process even more creatively rewarding once completed.


This series was an intense project, but the team Shea Johnson put together was absolutely incredible. We had a great time pushing our limits, creatively and mentally.


Ken Burns | On Cancer


Pitchfork Classic | Slowdive